====== /d/egenerate games ====== the wiki a wiki detailing particularly fetishy porn games * [[search:fetish|Fetish List]] * [[search:common_tags|Most Common Fetishes]] * [[search:genre|Genre List]] * [[search:common_genre|Most Common Genres]] * [[search:mainfetish|Main Fetish List]] ===== Main Games ===== Games made by /dgg/ posters. * [[games:corrupted_saviors|Corrupted Saviors (CS)]] * [[games:degrees_of_lewdity|Degrees Of Lewdity (DOL)]] * [[games:ero_dungeons|Ero Dungeons]] * [[games:ero_hunters|Ero Hunters]] * [[games:ero_witches|Ero Witches]] * [[games:escape_the_castle_of_carnal_intent|Escape The Castle of Carnal Intent]] * [[games:free_cities|Free Cities (FC)]] * [[games:going_deeper|Going Deeper]] * [[games:monmusu_curse|Monmusu Curse!]] * [[games:liliths_thrones|Lilith's Throne (LT)]] * [[games:star_knightess_aura|Star Knightess Aura]] ===== Other Games ===== * [[games:anthophobia|Anthophobia]] * [[games:atelier_tia|Atelier Tia]] * [[games:claires_quest|Claire's Quest]] * [[games:corruption_of_champions_2|Corruption of Champions 2 (CoC2)]] * [[games:cursed_armor |Cursed Armor ]] * [[games:dead_aegis|DeadĪ©Aegis]] * [[games:debasing_grounds|Debasing Grounds]] * [[games:demon_angel_sakura|Demon Angel SAKURA]] * [[games:demons_roots|Demons Roots]] * [[games:diviner_knight_towako|Diviner Knight Towako]] * [[games:dohna_dohna|Dohna Dohna]] * [[games:dryad_quest|Dryad Quest RPG]] * [[games:crossdressing_in_camelot|Crossdressing in Camelot (CiC)]] * [[games:fairy_fighting|Fairy Fighting]] * [[games:fallen_angel|Fallen Angel]] * [[games:fort_of_chains|Fort of Chains]] * [[games:futadom_world|FutaDom World - Binding Sim (FDW)]] * [[games:future_fragments|Future Fragments]] * [[games:girl_life|Girl Life]] * [[games:graveyard_executioner|Graveyard Executioner]] * [[games:holy_knight_ricca|The Fairy Tale of Holy Knight Ricca]] * [[games:iris_action|Iris Action]] * [[games:jack_o_nine_tails|Jack-o-Nine-Tails]] * [[games:kaiki_drill_otoko_no_youfu|Kaiki! Drill Otoko no Kyoufu]] * [[games:kakuriyo_village|Kakuriyo Village]] * [[games:karryns_prison|Karryn's Prison]] * [[games:lab_still_alive-|LAB -Still Alive-]] * [[games:lightning_warrior_raidy|Lightning Warrior Raidy]] * [[games:lonarpg|LonaRPG (Lona)]] * [[games:lost_in_laminate|Lost in Laminate (LiL)]] * [[games:lust_doll_plus|Lust Doll Plus (LD+)]] * [[games:mage_kanades_futanari_dungeon_quest|Mage Kanade's Futanari Dungeon Quest]] * [[games:magical_camp|Magical Camp]] * [[games:magical_girl_lunas_misfortunes|Magical Girl Luna's Misfortunes]] * [[games:maggot_baits|Maggot Baits]] * [[games:mission_mermaiden|Mission Mermaiden]] * [[games:night_of_revenge|Night Of Revenge]] * [[games:odyssey_of_gianna|Odyssey of Gianna]] * [[games:pandoras_forest|Pandora's Forest]] * [[games:parasite_in_city|Parasite In City]] * [[games:paraiste_infection|Parasite Infection]] * [[games:rondo_duo|Rondo Duo]] * [[games:secretary|Secretary]] * [[games:seeds_of_chaos|Seeds of Chaos]] * [[games:sinisistar|SiNiSistar]] * [[games:slugs_and_bugs|Slugs and Bugs]] * [[games:stygian _fowers|Stygian Flowers]] * [[games:syahatas_bad_day|Syahata's Bad Day]] * [[games:taimanin|Taimanin]] * [[games:tales_of_androgyny|Tales of Androgyny (ToA)]] * [[games:the_agnietta|The Agnietta]] * [[games:the_company|The Company]] * [[games:the_monstrous_horror_show|The Monstrous Horror Show]] * [[games:The Nekoronomicon|The Nekoronomicon]] * [[games:the_shadow_of_yidhra|The Shadow of Yidhra]] * [[games:third_crisis|Third Crisis]] * [[games:town_of_magic|Town Of Magic]] * [[games:transylvania|Transylvania]] * [[games:trials_in_tainted_space|Trials in Tainted Space]] * [[games:unholy_arts|Unholy Arts]] * [[games:violated_heroine|Violated Heroine]] * [[games:virtual_succubus|Virtual Succubus]] * [[games:xenotake|Xenotake]] ===== Admin ===== {{NUMBEROFPAGES>:games}} Games counted * [[dgame|What is a /d/ game?]] * [[Template|New Game Template]] * [[tag_list|Currently Used Tags]] * [[Test Page]] To add a new page, edit this page with a new link that looks something like [ [game:your_name_of_game_formatted_like_this] ] (but without the extra spaces), save then click on it and click new page. Ill figure out how to organize everything later