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games:liliths_thrones [2025/02/27 11:15] – created admingames:liliths_thrones [2025/03/02 20:06] (current)
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-====== My Game Name ======+====== Lilith's Throne ======
 ---- dataentry games ---- ---- dataentry games ----
-name           My Game Name +name             Lilith's Throne 
-acro           My Game Acronym +acro             LT 
-engine_page    my_game_engine +engine_page      custom_java 
-genre_tag      MyGenre, Tags, Seperated, With, Commas+genre_gens       SandboxRPGTurn-based 
-mc             : Customizable Male Female (Those are your only choices) +mc               : Customizable 
-mainfetish_tag One_Or_Two_Tags_OnlyThat_Best_Fit_The_Game +mainfetish_mfets CorruptionFuta, Furry 
-fetish_tag     AllTheFetishesTheGameHasThisIsALongListInManyCases +mcfetish_fets    CorruptionIncestFemdomRapePregnancyLactationNTRSlaveryProstitutionHumanoidsTransformationFutaBreasts Growth/ShrinkageGenitals Growth/Shrinkage, Monster Pregnancy, Pregnancy 
-contains_tag   : TagsThatARedditorWouldntLike +npcfetish_fets   : CorruptionFemdomRapeMonstersHumanoidsPregnancy, Lactation, NTR, Slavery, Transformation, Futa, Furry 
-dev            : Active+contains_fets    : Furry 
 +dev              : Innoxia 
 +status_acts      : Active 
 +dynamics         : dom, sub 
 +delivery         : Text    
 ---- ----
-This is a template for a new wiki page on this wiki, it is shit because Im too lazy to setup more than one plugin.  
-  * For acronym only put in if it is widely used/popular enough to need an acroynym otherwise just use N/A + 
-  * For engine put engine:YourGameEngine instead so it can be linked to a page later + 
-    * For custom engines use Custom/Language eg. Custom/Java + 
-  * For mainfetish try to put down the focus of the game, max two or three tags (doenst have to be an existing tag even) + 
-  * For dev: +Lilith's Throne is a text-based erotic RPG where the player is transported into an alternate dimension, and the main story is about trying to find way to return home. Although primarily text based the game features an extensive selection of items, cloathes, spells and sex toys all with icons however there is not character art outside of user contributed art packs available for some characters. The game additionally features an interactive map, Almost all interactions in the game are from randomized NPCs and events with a few named characters giving out quests and driving the story.  
-    * Active means features are regularly updates + 
-    * Maintained means its still getting bugfixes +The game leans heavily on its character profile system, with extensive transformation and corruption gameplay. The game is made using Java with a custom JavaFX based engine. Its blog can be found at and source code at
-    * Finished means the game is completed and wont get updates +
-    * Abandoned means the game is unfinished and wont get updates+
games/liliths_thrones.1740654900.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/27 11:15 by admin